Electric valve actuators have become increasingly popular in recent years due to their numerous advantages over other types of actuators.
The Benefits of Electric Actuators
The main benefits of electric actuators are their precise control, high level of accuracy and their energy efficiency.
Choosing a Suitable Actuator
There are 3 major things to consider when choosing a suitable actuator for an application; the application, the environment or surroundings and the type of energy the will be used.
Looking for Valve Automation Retrofitting?
Most valve manufacturers already provide automated solutions for their valves out of the factory. However, there are many situations that would warrant a company or business going to a third party for an actuator to valve retrofitting. Sometimes the actuator may not be suitable for the application, or a manual valve already exists in-house that needs to be automated.
What is a Belimo?
Belimo manufactures mainly small damper actuators designed for HVAC systems. iVact’s iVQ actuator range offers better capabilities than a Belimo actuator, comparable sizing to Belimo actuators include our IVQ-A, iVQ-B, and iVQ-C models, which are a part of our iVQ range of electric actuators designed for quarter-turn operating applications on valves and dampers.
What is a Rotork or Limitorque?
Rotork and Limitorque are manufacturers of electronic non-intrusive actuators. iVact’s iVM actuator range offers similar products but with better capabilities than competitors such as Rotork and Limitorque.
Electric Valve Actuator: What is it?
An electric valve actuator in simple terms is an electric device that moves a valve. You can say that a solenoid valve falls in this category but in our case, we are referring to an electric motor separate from the valve. The electric motor is typically housed in an enclosure with a drive gear and two position limit switches as a minimum.
Electric Valve Actuator: Electricity is the first choice for valve control.
Centralized control of a plant involves the control of its services such as water, steam, air, fuel, electricity, etc. Of these, all except electricity involve piping, and their control involves valves, which are usually power operated.
Electric Valve Actuator: Electric Spring Return Failsafe Valve Actuator
Where a valve must move to a known position, in the event of electricity failure during power failure conditions, stored energy is essential. If the valve is normally remote controlled, the remote control system will be electric for the following reasons:
Electric Actuator Basics: Understanding Duty Cycle
When actuator manufacturers classify their products duty performances they typically follow and meet a particular standard. One such standard is EN-15714-2 (Industrial valves – Actuators – Part 2: Electric actuators for industrial valves – Basic Requirements). We make reference to this standard in our explanation below.